What is green food?
A green apple does not count as a “green food,” neither do peas or those popular vegetable flavored chips. Broccoli, cabbage, green beans, avocados, cucumbers, green peppers and green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, red / green leaf lettuce, Swiss chard, bok choy, collard greens, etc. are all considered green foods. Green food is irreplaceable, since they are generally low in calories, and packed with nutrients that are proven to lower the risk of many diseases.
Why should you consider eating green food.
There are many studies that link disease to having a nonnutritious diet – if you are eating the Standard American Diet (SAD) like most Americans, your diet is probably lacking in several nutrients on a day-to-day basis. Just a few of the common nutrients found in many green vegetables include;
- Beta Carotene contributes to the growth and repair of the body's tissues.
- Vitamin E and Vitamin Cwork together to keep skin healthy as you age.
- Folate can reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease and memory loss, in addition to contributing to the production of serotonin, causing it to help ward off depression and improve mood.
What makes green food so powerful?
What makes green food so powerful and so nutritious is the fact that it contains chlorophyll (the blood of plants). This is what gives green food its green pigment. Even
though you might not have heard of chlorophyll before, you would not be alive if it did not exist. The oxygen you breathe is made from the chlorophyll in plants.
In addition, chlorophyll is almost identical to hemoglobin which is found in our red blood cells. One of the main differences is the center molecule of chlorophyll is magnesium, while the center molecule of hemoglobin is iron. Several researchers claim that chlorophyll has the amazing capability to release the magnesium and absorb iron; essentially becoming our blood when consumed. The healthier your blood is, the better oxygenated and healthier your body will be.
On a separate note, eating raw (which means uncooked) green food – like salads or crunchy celery and broccoli, actually increases your ability to digest food in general. Raw greens naturally contain enzymes that help maintain the “reserve” that is discussed on our Digestive Enzymes 101 Information Sheet.
Needless to say, your body absolutely needs green food to stay healthy. If you don’t like eating greens or don’t have time to prepare them, you really need to consider supplementing them on a daily basis. Whether you take a capsule like what Dr. Cruz offers or you purchase a healthy green powder and add it to a smoothie everyday you must supplement your greens to maintain good health. Once you start doing so you will notice what a great energy booster it is!
To ensure that Dr. Cruz and her family are getting a ton of green everyday not only do they eat greens 3 times per day but they also supplement with the Gastro Greens . To order yours, either speak with a staff member, or order online at www.drlizcruz.com.