Why is it so important to keep our liver healthy?
The liver is your largest detoxing organ. Its main job is to cleanse your blood by getting rid of your body's natural waste products and other harmful substances, including alcohol and drugs. The liver also transforms the foods you eat into energy and nutrients your body can use, and it regulates how nutrients flow to different parts of the body when needed. Having a healthy functioning liver offers many benefits to the body including but not limited to, proper digestive system functionality, improved skin health and texture, increased mental clarity, and a noticeable boost in overall energy levels.
What is Love Thy Liver ?
Love Thy Liver is a formulation of enzymes, herbs, and nutrients to support the normal removal of toxic materials. This product is the perfect choice to help counter exposure to various forms of environmental toxicity. It’s also very effective when used to provide nutritional support before, during, and after a heavy metal detox or other types of aggressive cleanses.
When should I consider taking Love Thy Liver TM ?
If you suffer from any of the following conditions you should consider taking Love Thy Liver TM:
- Fatty Liver
- Hepatitis
- Diet High in Fat
- Crohn’s / Colitis
- Taking Numerous Meds
- Regularly Consume Alcohol, Drugs or Nicotine
- Tired / Low Energy
What is Fatty Liver, and can it be reversed?
One of the most common diagnosis today is Fatty Liver. Fatty Liver disease means you have a buildup of fat in your liver. People tend to develop Fatty Liver if they have certain other conditions, such as obesity, diabetes or high triglycerides. Alcohol abuse, rapid weight loss and malnutrition may also lead to Fatty Liver. A Fatty Liver diagnosis should be taken seriously, if not addressed it can progress into Cirrhosis which is a type of liver damage where healthy cells are replaced by scar tissue and the liver is unable to perform its vital functions of metabolism, production of proteins, including blood clotting factors, and filtering of drugs and toxins ultimately leading to death.
The great thing about the liver is that if there is not too much damage, it can repair itself and the diagnosis of Fatty Liver can be reversed. To work toward reversing Fatty Liver or at a minimum stopping its progression, attention to diet, weight loss and exercise is of the utmost importance. Incorporating Love Thy Liver into your daily routine will also aid in this process.
How do you take Love Thy Liver ?
Take one (1) capsule daily with food or as directed by a health care practitioner. Capsules may be pulled apart and mixed in a small amount of water. To order yours, either speak with a staff member, or order online at www.drlizcruz.com.