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After spending thousands of hours researching and studying under dozens of mentors, Dr. Cruz is focused on expanding her reach and serving patients globally.
Dr. Liz Cruz’s 4-Step Proprietary System
After spending thousands of hours researching and studying under dozens of mentors, Dr. Cruz is focused on expanding her reach and serving patients globally. She offers a proprietary system called, “Digestive Revolution(™)” which is an outcomes and scientific based system that starts at the cellular level.
This system is helping her patients either prevent sickness altogether or get off the sickness treadmill and live longer, healthier lives.
The system Dr. Cruz created delivers 4 main outcomes:
1. Eliminates digestive issues such as gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea and acid reflux.
2. Removes pain and inflammation from the body.
3. Reduces the need for prescription and over-the-counter medications.
4. Increases energy, enhances sleep, and the ability to get to your healthy base weight.
Dr. Cruz is able to deliver these outcomes with 4 simple steps:
Step 1 - Stop Guessing - Identify the Root Cause: It’s time to finally figure out what is at the root of your digestive dysfunction and medical issues. And if prevention is your goal, this is a great way to see if anything is off before something goes wrong. We customize the testing methods to isolate your body’s deficiencies so we can address the issue at the source.
Step 2 - Start Replenishing - Restore and Prevent Ongoing Damage - Dr. Liz Cruz provides guidance on the cocktail of medical grade all natural supplements right for your body type to eliminate the need for damaging prescriptions and over-the-counter medications that are harming the body’s natural way of healing.
Step 3 - Get Access - The Permanent Solution - Lifetime access to the most comprehensive learning system providing the connection between food, drinks, supplements, and pharmaceuticals causing the dysfunction in your system. Discover how to create the path to reboot and power your body for optimized digestive health.
Step 4 - Feel Supported - Welcome to the Family - We provide direct access and personalized care, so you are well supported on this journey. Dr. Liz Cruz and her team of digestive health experts are dedicated to delivering the customer care required to help you achieve your health goals.
The Ultimate Package Includes the Following:
⦁ Two Cellular Level Food Sensitivity Tests - one at the beginning of the program and one at 6 months validate the gut is healing
⦁ One Intestinal Permeability Test
⦁ One Microbiome Test
⦁ One Micronutrient Test
⦁ 6 Month Supply of Everyday Enzymes(™)
⦁ 6 Month Supply of Pleasant Probiotics(™)
⦁ 6 Month Supply of Super Salts(™)
⦁ 6 Month Supply of Love Thy Liver (™)
⦁ 6 Month Supply of Delicate Detox(™)
⦁ 6 Month Supply of Gastro Greens(™)
⦁ An Alkaline Water Pitcher - immediate access to the healing powers of alkaline water
⦁ Chlorophyll Drops - water additive to enhance red blood cell production
⦁ Rescue Remedy - liquid drops to calm the body during stress and anxiety
⦁ Lifetime access to the DNA for Digestive Health - The Most Comprehensive, Self-Guided, Online, Award Winning Learning System
⦁ Guided Meditation Audio Content
⦁ Chop! Chop! Cookbook - 70+ Gut Recovery & Whole-Body Health Recipes
⦁ Action Plan Workbook - Step-by-Step Plan to Success
⦁ Four 1 on 1 calls with Dr. Liz Cruz
⦁ Four 1 on 1 calls with a Dr. Liz Cruz Certified Holistic Nutritionist
⦁ 6 Month Access to Dr. Cruz’s Monthly LIVE Group Training & Q&A Sessions (60 min)
This 4-step system over the course of 6 months has been designed foundationally on what we know works. In fact, we are so happy with the results we’ve seen with our patients that we guarantee your success with this system. We believe if you do everything we ask you to do, you will get the outcome you desire.
The results you will get from this investment will save you tens, maybe even hundreds of thousands in medical costs. Plus, can you really put a value on getting your life back again? Allowing you to live the life you want to be living healthy and pain free.
This package is the most affordable well thought out plan to get to the core of your issue so you can turn your whole body around for good. As an example, if you were to purchase everything offered in the Foundational package separately it would cost you over $9,000 dollars. By purchasing these same items in the package, it offers a $4,000 dollar savings. With this package, to completely turn your life around you are looking at an investment of $830 / month, which is only $27.00 / per day.
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After years of offering her digestive wellness knowledge, products and services to her patients and seeing amazing results time and again, Dr. Liz Cruz didn't want to stop there. "This information and these tools need to be shared with everyone now more than ever! It's never too late to change how you feel."– Liz Cruz M.D.