Made For Individuals Who Want To:
The D stands for Detoxification and Digestive Restoration
The N stands for Nutrition and Necessary Hydration
The A stands for Activating Mind, Body and Soul and Action Plan
We have found that all of these topics are crucial to changing a persons’ digestive health. Aside from the fact that the acronym works well with the concepts we teach the “DNA for Digestive Health,” is the structure one needs to follow to experience lasting results. What we have found personally is that once you begin on your path to digestive wellness the DNA in your body actually does start to change. You begin craving the right foods and being disgusted by the wrong foods. You begin being negatively affected by the bad things that never seemed to bother you before (until you had symptoms that is). You literally will be able to connect with your body again and feel when something is or is not good for it.
Detoxification is the first thing we teach because one of the main reasons why people are so sick today is because their body is toxic. Keep in mind that detoxification is a bit of a taboo word in the medical field. Although when you think about it, our bodies are naturally detoxifying all day through our urine, stool, sweat and breath. The problem is we are exposed to so many toxins each day in what we breathe, what we eat and drink, and what we put on our skin, that our body cannot eliminate the toxins fast enough. This toxic build-up in the body is the cause to many of our aches, pains and symptoms. And when we do not listen to these symptoms and treat them like warning signs, things get worse – we end up on medications, in the hospital, having surgeries, etc. Medicines only add to the toxicity of the body which is why when many people start on one medicine it is not long before they are on another and another. We have to learn how to detoxify the body on a regular basis to avoid the symptoms all together.
Digestive Restoration
Digestive Restoration is the rebuilding of the body or providing it something it no longer produces on its own; digestive enzymes are a perfect example of this. Many patients come to our office because they are experiencing gas, bloating, and acid reflux after they eat. And it is not uncommon for people in their 20’s and 30’s to have these symptoms. This is because their body is producing less than optimal enzymes to digest their food properly. When we eat a poor diet a majority of our life we rob our body of the ability to produce proper enzymes to digest our food, when this happens we are left with undigested food and a whole lot of new symptoms. Just by supplementing with a digestive enzyme before every meal the symptoms go away and there is no need for acid reflux, gas or bloating medicines. As part of Digestive Restoration we also discuss the importance of probiotics among other supplements that are critical to the body digesting food properly.
Nutrition and Necessary Hydration
Nutrition and Necessary Hydration are the most important lessons we teach. This is the part we live on a daily basis and the part that is absolutely critical to long term digestive health and overall wellness. The concept of Nutrition covers many topics, one of those being eating less processed white foods like sugar, flour, salt, rice, bread and eating more living greens like red leaf lettuce, Bok Choy, avocados, and cucumbers.
Necessary Hydration covers the concept of water and why it is so important and that not all water is created equal. Americans tend to drink everything except water and when we get people drinking half of their body weight in ounces they say it makes the biggest impact on how they feel.
Activating Mind, Body and Soul and Action Planning
The Activating Mind, Body and Soul and Action Planning is all about learning how to move the body to keep the lymph system moving freely, how to feel less stressed, get proper rest and how to take everything you learned and put it into an action plan that you can actually live. Once you learn the “DNA for Digestive Health” we invite you to participate in our online community called “www.DigestiveRevolution.com.” This is where Tina and I spend most of our time adding resources, supporting and guiding those that desire life-long health.
By delivering our key teachings online through home study materials, webinars, teleseminars, and videos it frees us up to help and support more people change their lives for good. I cannot tell you how amazing it feels to be able to serve my patients at this level. With every new person healed I can move on to the next person needing help. It seems like an endless cycle but Tina and I are up for the challenge. We won’t stop until we rid the world of digestive issues altogether.
Dr. Cruz and Tina Nunziato have taken their teachings and compiled them into an amazing home study program. Delivering the material in this way allows them to make sure you are receiving all the knowledge at your fingertips, when you want it, where you want it. In addition to receiving the materials, most of plans include the supporting products as well, to help you get a head start on your healing. Learning is only the first step to change, putting your learning into action is the next, and having all the right products at your fingertips will allow you to do just that.
Every section of the DNA teachings will include the following items:
What You Will Learn:
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After years of offering her digestive wellness knowledge, products and services to her patients and seeing amazing results time and again, Dr. Liz Cruz didn't want to stop there. "This information and these tools need to be shared with everyone now more than ever! It's never too late to change how you feel."– Liz Cruz M.D.