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Are you suffering from so many digestive issues you’ve lost count? - Gas, bloating, reflux, constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain.
Are you suffering from so many digestive issues you’ve lost count? - Gas, bloating, reflux, constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain. Or are you suffering from Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)? - Encompassing conditions like Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, an advanced digestive disorder marked by chronic gastrointestinal inflammation. Despite the complexity of dealing with multiple digestive issues, a holistic approach can be successful once the root cause is identified through testing, avoiding the need for harsh medications or surgeries. If you seek a holistic solution for your digestive issues / IBD, we're here to support your journey at every stage.
This I Need Everything Starter Kit includes:
⦁ The Micronutrient Test so we can test for nutrient deficiencies at the cellular level.
⦁ The Cellular Food Sensitivity Test so we can identify the foods that are causing you problems so we can get you off those foods temporarily.
⦁ The Intestinal Permeability Test to determine if there are microscopic tears “leaky gut” in the small bowel which allow partially digested food particles, bugs and other toxins to enter the bloodstream.
⦁ The Microbiome Test so we can detect your GI disruptors and bacteria imbalance issues in your colon.
⦁ An Alkaline Water pitcher giving you immediate access to the healing powers of alkaline water.
⦁ A Chop, Chop! Cookbook with 70+ Gut Recovery & Whole-Body Health Recipes.
⦁ A three month supply of our Everyday Enzymes(™), Pleasant Probiotics(™), Super Salts(™), Delicate Detox(™), Gastro Greens(™), and Liver Support(™). The six key supplements for turning digestive issues into a thing of the past.
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After years of offering her digestive wellness knowledge, products and services to her patients and seeing amazing results time and again, Dr. Liz Cruz didn't want to stop there. "This information and these tools need to be shared with everyone now more than ever! It's never too late to change how you feel."– Liz Cruz M.D.