B-12 and Lipo-B Injections

Why are the injections being offered?

Although we offer an extensive wellness program for those patients interested in changing their eating habits to positively effect their health, many patients have asked us for a quick fix. So as an adjunct and in support of the wellness program we offer, the injections are a quick and inexpensive way to get your energy back and begin losing weight. We hope that by taking advantage of these injections many will be motivated to learn more about their body and how to create life long digestive and overall health.

B-12 Injections

B-12 injections are perfect for a quick energy boost. We use high-quality methylcobalimin, the most potent form of vitamin B-12 found in nature. These can be taken as needed as B-12 is water soluble so your body will automatically release what you don’t need. We recommend no more than 3 per week. Each injection is $20 and all injections are administered in the office.

Lipo-B Injections

Lipo-B injections give you not only the quick energy boost but it also helps to detoxify the body and removes waste from the liver – this in turn helps you to loose weight. This injection is a combination of B-12 (methylcobalimin), B-Complex (various B vitamins) and MIC (methionine, choline, and inositol). Suggested frequency is 1 – 2 per week for as long as needed. Each injection is $35 and all injections are administed in the office. Packages for Lipo-B are available – package of 8 is $240 and a package of 12 is $300.

Are these injections right for everyone?

These injections are safe for just about everyone. Women who are pregnant or people who have any kidney issues whatsoever should not receive the injections. If you have any concerns or questions regarding your receiving the injections please speak with your provider.


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