Interesting Statistics Regarding Feeling Tired / Low Energy
Forty percent of adults report that feeling sleepy interferes with their daily activities at least occasionally, including nearly a quarter who say this happens often or sometimes. 1
- People with mild or no stress reported feeling sleepy on average 2.3 days per week. With moderate stress, that figure jumped to 3.6 days on average, and increased again to 4.6 days for those with severe stress.2
- Most people start experiencing a decline in their energy levels by the time they reach their mid-thirties.3
- The prevalence of general fatigue (fatigue lasting < 6 months, or fatigue of unspecified duration) was 20.4% in adults, 11.7% in minors, and 42.3% in specific occupations.4
Definition of Tired / Low Energy (Fatigue)
The formal name for experiencing being tired and having low energy is FATIGUE. Fatigue is a feeling of weariness, tiredness, or lack of energy.
HFatigue is different from drowsiness. Drowsiness is feeling the need to sleep. Fatigue is a lack of energy and motivation. Drowsiness and apathy (a feeling of not caring about what happens) can be symptoms that go along with fatigue.
Fatigue can be a normal and important response to physical activity, emotional stress, boredom, or lack of sleep. Fatigue is a common symptom, and it is usually not due to a serious disease. But it can be a sign of a more serious mental or physical condition. When fatigue is not relieved by enough sleep, good nutrition, or a low-stress environment, it should be evaluated by your health care provider.5
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a condition in which symptoms of fatigue persist for at least 6 months and do not resolve with rest. The fatigue may be worsened with physical activity or mental stress. It is diagnosed based on the presence of a specific group of symptoms and after all other possible causes of fatigue are ruled out.
Causes of Fatigue
Many conditions, disorders, medications and lifestyle factors can cause fatigue. Fatigue can be temporary, or it can be a chronic condition (lasting six months or more). You may be able to quickly fix fatigue by changing your diet, medications, exercise or sleep habits. If an underlying medical condition is causing your fatigue, a healthcare provider can usually treat the condition or help you manage it.6
Fatigue causes include:
Lifestyle Habits - Certain lifestyle factors can contribute to fatigue. These factors may include:
- Poor diet / malnutrition.
- Excessive alcohol use.
- Illegal drug use.
- Stress
- Burnout
- Excessive physical activity.
- Inactive (sedentary) lifestyle.
- Jet lag.
- Pregnancy / breast feeding.7
Sleep Disorders - Certain sleep disorders can cause long-term exhaustion and extreme fatigue. These may include:
- Insomnia
- Sleep apnea
- Narcolepsy
- Shift work sleep disorder
Prescription and Over-the-Counter Medications and Treatments
- Benzodiazepines
- Sedative-hypnotics.
- Antipsychotics
- Anxiolytics
- Opioids
- Anticonvulsants
- Beta-blockers.
- Antihistamines
- Blood pressure medicines.
- Sleeping pills
- Steroids
- Diuretics (water pills).
- Bone marrow transplants.
- Chemotherapy.
Medical Conditions - Fatigue is a symptom of a wide range of diseases, disorders and deficiencies affecting various parts of your body. Hundreds of conditions and disorders can lead to fatigue. Some of the most common causes of fatigue include:
- Infections Many infections can cause fatigue, including:
- Mononucleosis
- Tuberculosis
- Hepatitis
- Parasitic infections
- COVID-19
- Influenza
- Pneumonia
- Lyme disease.
- Heart and Lung Problems Fatigue is a common symptom of cardiovascular and lung conditions such as:
- Heart disease.
- Bacterial endocarditis (infection of the heart muscle or valves).
- Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS).
- Emphysema
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
- Congestive heart failure
- Mental Health Conditions Fatigue due to certain mental health conditions may make it difficult or impossible to perform daily activities. These conditions may include:
- Depression.
- Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
- Anxiety.
Autoimmune Disorders Fatigue is a symptom of many autoimmune diseases, including:
- Type 1 diabetes.
- Lupus
- Multiple Sclerosis (MS).
- Myasthenia gravis.
- Rheumatoid arthritis – adult / juvenile.
- Sjögren’s syndrome.
- Hormonal Imbalances -Problems with your endocrine system (the glands in your body that make hormones) can lead to exhaustion
- Thyroid gland that is underactive or overactive – hypo / hyperthyroidism.
- Addison disease (a disorder that occurs when the adrenal glands don't produce enough hormones).
- Other Chronic Conditions -Certain chronic conditions can cause severe, long-lasting fatigue. These include:
- Cancer
- Persistent pain
- Chronic fatigue syndrome (also called CFS or myalgic encephalomyelitis).
- Kidney disease.
- Liver disease.
- Fibromyalgia
- Type 2 diabetes.
- Other Chronic Conditions -Certain chronic conditions can cause severe, long-lasting fatigue. These include:
- Cancer
- Persistent pain
- Chronic fatigue syndrome (also called CFS or myalgic encephalomyelitis).
- Kidney disease.
- Liver disease.
- Fibromyalgia
- Type 2 diabetes.
- Deficiencies -Anemia and other vitamin deficiencies (such as vitamin D or vitamin B12) are often responsible for fatigue. Dehydration can cause fatigue because the body needs plenty of fluids to function.
- Weight Issues and Eating Disorders -Certain weight issues and eating disorders can lead to fatigue and a range of other symptoms. These may include:
- Anorexia
- Overweight/obesity
- Bulimia
- Underweight
Symptoms of Fatigue
Everyone feels tired from time to time. But fatigue means feeling severely overtired. Extreme fatigue makes it hard to get up in the morning, go to work, do your usual activities, and make it through your day. Fatigue feels like you have an overwhelming urge to sleep, but you may not feel refreshed after you rest or sleep.
Fatigue often occurs along with other symptoms, such as:
Depression and lack of desire to do the activities you once enjoyed
- Trouble concentrating or focusing.
- Very low energy and motivation.
- Nervousness, anxiety and irritability
- Muscle pain and weakness.
- Other fatigue symptoms include:
- Tired eyes
- Tired legs
- Whole body tiredness
- Stiff shoulders
- Malaise (discomfort/uneasiness).
- Boredom
- Impatience
The symptoms of Acid Reflux may resemble other medical conditions or problems such as gallstones, stomach ulcers, heart attack, and esophageal cancer. This is why it’s always important to consult a doctor for a proper diagnosis
How Fatigue is Diagnosed
Visiting your doctor’s office, you will be asked about your medical history, fatigue symptoms, and your lifestyle, habits, and feelings. Such questions may include:
- Have you felt drowsy, or has the fatigue been more a feeling of weakness? the answer can give clues to the diagnosis because drowsiness may be a symptom of a sleep disorder, while weakness may be a sign of a neuromuscular cause.
- During the past month have you often been bothered by feeling down, depressed, or hopeless? Positive answers may indicate depression.
- Has your fatigue developed gradually or suddenly?
- Does your tiredness come in cycles? for example, depression is indicated if the fatigue is worst in the morning but persists all day, whereas fatigue associated with exercise suggests a neuromuscular issue.
- What are your concerns about your fatigue? What do you think may be the cause? the doctor may be looking for a connection with any distressing life events, for example.
Your provider will likely perform a complete physical examination, paying special attention to your heart, lymph nodes, thyroid, abdomen, and nervous system.
Tests that may be ordered include the following:
- Blood tests to check for anemia, diabetes, inflammatory diseases, and possible infections.
- Kidney function tests.
- Liver function tests.
- Thyroid function tests.
- Urinalysis
Types of Fatigue
Fatigue can be categorized in many ways, such as type, timescale, or effect, just to name a few. To keep it simple, lets break it down into six categories – social, emotional, physical, pain, mental and chronic.8
Social Fatigue
This is the fatigue one might feel after speaking to a person (or many people) for an extended period. Fatigue might occur after speaking in person, especially when going out or traveling to meet up, which requires more energy. Responding to text messages or comments on social media can also cause a person to feel fatigued.
Additionally, video calls are a new way of communicating and require a whole new level of energy, especially for those who aren’t tech-savvy. Setting up a call and appearing on screen might cause someone to feel stressed. Social fatigue can make us feel overwhelmed, stressed, and wiped out, which affects our energy levels.
Emotional Fatigue
Emotional fatigue entails the times we’ve felt sadness, anger, depression, or frustration for an extended period. It’s like those times when we are sad and cry a lot, and our eyes hurt afterward. The body is affected because so much energy is used to experience those feelings, and it can leave us feeling pretty wiped of energy.
Physical Fatigue
This type of fatigue follows physical activity. It can come from having a shower, prepping a meal, or going for a run. Many people like the feeling of physical fatigue after doing an activity because it can have benefits, such as better sleep. Often with chronic illnesses, you can feel exhausted, even when you’re not doing anything. Ironically, more physical activity over time improves fatigue levels.
Pain Fatigue
Pain may have caused a bad night’s sleep, leading to fatigue the next day. Trying to explain that pain to someone else can be tiring, which can prompt emotional fatigue. Sometimes the mental aspect of having pain can make us feel depressed, and therefore, exhausted. When every movement hurts, it becomes harder and harder to find the energy to move.
Mental Fatigue
This comes from expending a lot of mental energy. Examples include doing puzzles, problem-solving, and answering questions. After this type of activity, it’s common to feel more cognitive symptoms such as brain fog. Sometimes if you do these types of activities late at night, your brain might find it hard to switch off. Then, a lack of quality sleep can cause fatigue the next day.
Chronic Illness Fatigue
Sometimes there is no other explanation for what makes us feel fatigued other than chronic illness. As stated above, there are so many illnesses that can cause fatigue. It’s important to get a proper diagnosis to understand what you are dealing with.
Traditional Medical Treatment for Fatigue
If a medical condition isn’t causing your fatigue, lifestyle changes may improve your symptoms. To reduce fatigue, you can:
Practice good sleep habits Aim for seven to nine hours of sleep every night. Don’t drink caffeine, use electronics or exercise right before bed. Try to go to bed and get up at the same time every day.
- Avoid alcohol and substance use: Don’t use illegal drugs, and if drinking alcohol, drink in moderation, if at all.
- Eat a healthy diet: A balanced diet and plenty of water will keep your body nourished and hydrated.
- Manage stress: Yoga, mindfulness, meditation and regular exercise can help you relieve stress and gain more energy.
- See your healthcare provider: Make an appointment to rule out infections, disease, illness, vitamin deficiencies and other health conditions. You should also talk to your provider about the medications you’re taking to see if they’re causing your symptoms.
- Exercise often: Regular exercise is crucial for a healthy lifestyle. Though it might seem counterintuitive, vigorous exercise can help you feel more energetic once you get used to it. But exercising too much can cause fatigue, so talk to your provider about what’s best for you.
- Reach and maintain a healthy weight:Talk to your healthcare provider about your ideal weight and try to stay within that range.
Complications of Fatigue
Left untreated, chronic fatigue has been shown to cause both significant medical issues and mortality. There is a large body of evidence showing strong associations between fatigue, reduced cognition, and occupational accidents, as well as increased metabolic and reproductive health issues, some forms of cancer and mortality. Additional evidence links fatigue with mental, gastrointestinal, neurological, and chronic pain issues.9
In the workplace, fatigue results in slower reactions, reduced ability to process information, memory lapses, absent-mindedness, decreased awareness, lack of attention, underestimation of risk, reduced coordination etc. Fatigue can lead to errors and accidents, ill-health and injury, and reduced productivity.
What Traditional Medicine is Not Telling You About Fatigue
The information I am about to share with you was not taught to me during any of my medical training. What medical school, internship, internal medicine residency, and my Gastroenterology fellowship taught me was how to diagnose symptoms, prescribe medicines and do amazing colonoscopies and upper endoscopies. What it didn’t teach was the true reason why people are having symptoms to begin with.
Even in traditional medicine the main way to combat fatigue (assuming it’s not related to a medical issue) is to make lifestyle changes. This is wonderful to hear, but there are some things I’ve learned over the last several years regarding detoxing the body and incorporating certain vitamins and herbs to help support and repair the body that traditional medicine doesn’t address just yet.
Three of the big reasons people are suffering from fatigue is their body is toxic, they are not hydrating properly and on top of that they are eating the Standard American Diet (SAD) which is full of calories but contains little nutrition. I’ve always said, as a society we are overfed and undernourished. Without the proper nutrition and hydration, it makes it hard for our body to function properly and the first symptoms of this are being tired and having low energy. Once we start feeling like that, moving the body through exercise becomes a problem because motivation is lost. Not moving the body on a regular basis makes it even harder to remove toxins from the body – it becomes a vicious cycle.
Everything you consume (food, drinks, medicines), everything you put on your body (lotions, makeup, shampoos, deodorants), even the air that you breathe is processed by the body. Your body is constantly being exposed to toxins. Over time, the more we expose ourselves the harder it is for the body to keep up. The more toxic it is, the more tired and the less energy we have. For example, consider all the over the counter and prescription medications people are taking. The number of U.S. adults who report taking at least one prescription medication per day is now 70%, a 14 percentage-point increase from 2019 data.10 And this doesn’t even take into account over the counter pain medicines, which I know many of my patients take on a regular basis. No matter what medicine you are taking, including pain medicine, it is a toxic chemical you are putting in your body. Keeping our body clean is critical for reversing fatigue. More on the importance of detoxification later.
Now consider the Standard American Diet (SAD), loaded with processed foods, fast foods, fancy coffees, and energy drinks. All these items are filled with chemicals, preservatives, dyes, sugars, and even worse, artificial sugars, items our body doesn’t even know what to do with much less process properly. Imagine the damage being done to the body as it works hard to process these items. We eat very few fresh green vegetables and wonder why we don’t feel good. Eating green is essential to our energy level; more on the importance of eating green later.
Finally, we drink everything but water and think that just because it’s liquid, it’s hydrating us. Or if you are smart enough to drink a good amount of water per day most people are just drinking plain water from bottles or their refrigerator. If you haven’t learned anything else from reading this eBook, please learn this - the only thing that hydrates the body is water and not all water is created equal. It’s time to learn more about alkaline water with electrolytes because it is key to hydrating properly and completely.
So aside from practicing good sleeping habits, avoiding alcohol and substance abuse, cleaning up your diet, managing your stress, and exercising, what else can we do to reverse fatigue? The answer is, get to the bottom of your symptoms to eliminate prescription and over-the-counter medicines, regularly detox the body, drink more alkaline water with electrolytes and consume more fresh green vegetables.
Why it’s Important to Detoxify Your Body
If you had asked me 15 years ago about the importance of detoxing the body, I would have referred you to a naturopathic doctor, but today it is one of my favorite topics to discuss. As a Gastroenterologist one of my favorite organs (the colon) is responsible for much of that detoxification. Our body has many natural mechanisms for detoxing, for example urine, stool, sweat, and breath. As we age, our body slows down, and we aren’t detoxing like we should. Over time, as our body slows down, we hold on to more of these toxins making us tired and sluggish.
I have patients in their early 20’s that are experiencing the tired and low energy issue because this is a generation of kids of that have lived off processed foods, fast foods, energy drinks, fancy coffees, recreational drugs, vapes, etc. Imagine the toxins their bodies take in every day and even though they are young, their body can’t keep up.
Our body is a healing vessel, it wants us to be well, but when we continue to expose it to toxins day in and day out, it can only do so much. At some point it’s going to throw up its hands and say, “enough is enough, you’re on your own!” This is when symptoms like aches, pains, tiredness, low energy, foggy brain, set in. And unfortunately, when this happens the pharmaceutical and food industry will tell us to take pain meds or drink more caffeine. I have several friends that haven’t been to their doctor in decades because they say they “feel fine” yet are drinking energy drinks and taking pain meds every day for one reason or another. In the end, adding more toxicity to the body - it truly is an endless cycle.
The bottom line is, we are all moving in the same direction, it just depends on how fast you want to get there. Keeping a clean body is one way to slow the process of aging, it can also help you get off unnecessary prescription and over the counter medicines and most importantly reverse fatigue.
Why Eating Greens is So Important
Your body needs vitamins and minerals from green vegetables to build healthy red blood. Healthy red blood builds healthy tissue, which builds healthy organs which builds a healthy body. Without healthy vitamins and minerals being consumed on a regular basis your body will not only struggle with making healthy red blood but it will also struggle with detoxification, and normal bodily functions. Your body wants to get vitamins and minerals from real food, not synthetic capsules (supplements made in a lab). Many of my patients are taking numerous supplements every day for various reasons – vitamin and mineral deficiencies, issues with skin, hair, nails, anemia, etc. I have many patients that are taking 15 plus supplements every day and they wonder why they have stomach pain. Your body doesn’t know what to do with all those capsules. And most supplements today are loaded with fillers (that can cause issues in the body – especially digestive issues). Supplement manufacturers add fillers because it makes them more affordable to make; therefore, increasing their profits.
The best thing you can do for your body is to eat a variety of greens. When I ask patients if they eat vegetables, the most common vegetables I hear are corn, carrots, and peas. Corn and carrots are not green, and peas are more of a starch than a vegetable. On the flip side, a patient will tell me they eat a spinach salad every day. Although spinach is good for you, every vegetable, and every fruit for that matter, has its own vitamin and mineral makeup. Spinach has its own vitamins and minerals; broccoli has its own, etc. When you eat spinach every day, you’re only giving your body the vitamins and minerals from spinach. Over time, the body says, “oh no, not spinach again.”
This is why mixing up your greens is so important. Examples of green vegetables include broccoli, asparagus, Brussel sprouts, green beans, okra, leaks, avocados, micro greens, peppers, zucchini, chard, collard greens, Bok choy, kale, turnip greens, romaine, spring mix, butter lettuce, spinach, red leaf lettuce, green leaf lettuce, arugula, cucumbers, celery, watercress, and cabbage just to name a few. Eating fresh vegetables instead of canned or frozen is also important. Anytime a vegetable is frozen or canned it loses some of its nutritional value.
Many of my patients have told me they don’t like eating greens, if that is the case, you must supplement them. But supplement with a green powder that contains real food – more on this below. Other patients tell me they stopped eating green because it doesn’t agree with them anymore. If this is the case, you need to read the e-book on Acid Reflux to learn why you’re not digesting them well anymore and what you can do about it. The bottom line, if you want to eliminate your fatigue, you must be consuming greens daily in one way or another.
A Different Approach to Fatigue
In 2007, I approached my wife and Office Manager Tina and told her how frustrated I was with medicine. I was running all the tests, doing all the procedures, and prescribing all the medicines and could not figure out why my patients were still hurting. That frustration led us on a two-year journey to learn what my medical degree did not teach me about the body and how it works, in addition to what is happening in the medical industry, pharmaceutical industry and food industry to cause so many health problems in our society.
After we learned what we did, we felt obligated to share this with our patients and we’ve been doing so since 2010. Tina was so passionate about what we learned, she went back to school and received her Certificate in Holistic Nutrition so she could help me deliver this message to as many people as we possibly could. Since we started on this journey, we have helped tens of thousands of patients and wellness clients eliminate their symptoms naturally, helping their bodies work again like they were meant to work. And the best part of it all, is it’s not as hard as you may think to turn it all around, no matter how long you’ve been suffering or how old you are. If you are willing to put in the time, effort and invest in yourself, you can have your life back too.
Fatigue is so prevalent today but the great thing about it is it can be reversed. Although lifestyle changes are important for this to occur there are some other ways to help speed the process up. Below is the plan I use with my patients that helps get to the bottom of their issues so we can detoxify and rebuild the body as fast as possible.
Details on this approach are as follows:
A Cellular Level Food Sensitivity Test Anyone suffering from fatigue absolutely must get this test done. There could be foods that you are eating on a regular basis that your body does not agree with and are causing you problems. Instead of elimination diets and the guessing game, this test will identify the foods that are causing you problems so we can get you off those foods temporarily, allowing the gut to heal. Once this is accomplished, food sensitivities are eliminated, you can reintroduce these foods back into your diet.
- Traditional allergists run skin and blood tests to determine food allergies. This food sensitivity test goes a level deeper to study the cellular level of the body, the difference between a food allergy and a food sensitivity.
Micronutrient Test This is the most comprehensive micronutrient test available in science today. It determines how well food is being digested, assimilated, and absorbed. It will provide details specific to what vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants you are deficient in.
- This test is the ultimate guide to what foods and supplements you should and shouldn’t be consuming to offset your deficiencies. This test will give you the answer to why you are tired and have low energy. It is your chance to find out if all those supplements you are taking are necessary. Once you know what your cells really need, it becomes clear on how to replenish them.
- Protease Enzymes / Detoxifying Daily Proteolytic enzymes, also called protease, break down proteins in the body. If you are familiar with digestive enzymes you know that protease is just one of many enzymes that help break down the food we eat on a daily basis. However, protease enzymes go even further by helping to break down proteins throughout the whole body. The formulation of protease enzymes found in our Delicate Detox™ is designed to work only in the blood (on the whole-body level) instead of just in the stomach. What good do protease enzymes do in the blood; you may ask? Well, just about everything that makes us sick is either a protein or is protected by a protein.
Bacteria, viruses, yeasts, and fungi are all protected by proteins. In addition, cancer cells are protected by proteins. Food allergens are also proteins. Many food allergies come from us not digesting our food well enough.
- If we don’t have the proper digestive enzymes to break down our food daily and our food enters our small bowel partially digested, large protein molecules can get absorbed into the blood stream. This causes your immune system to kick-in and antibodies are formed with proteins to “protect” the body. Circulating Immune Complexes (CIC’s) are then formed. Basically, this means that your body has now created an immune response “tagged” to something that it shouldn’t. When this happens over and over, the body “stores” these “tags” into its own tissue, because it is now overwhelmed with trying to eliminate them through urination and sweat. This is why the body attacks its own tissue at times, as seen in diseases like lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. Supplementing with a proteolytic enzyme can help break down CIC’s, so that they can be passed through urine or sweat easily.
- The blood not only carries oxygen and nutrients throughout the body, it’s also a way for cells and organs to dispose of their garbage and dead material. One way to cleanse the blood is taking a protease enzyme supplement, which can break down things that would otherwise compromise the immune system
- In addition, these proteolytic enzymes can improve circulation by eating excess fibrin. Fibrin is a strong protein responsible for the development of blood clots. Excess fibrin makes the blood thick, which is a dangerous situation.
- As a result of cleaning out the blood the following can occur; inflammation is reduced, blood flow is optimized, blood clots are prevented, allergies are minimized, arterial plaque is dissolved, headaches are minimized, and cardiovascular health is optimized. Which is why when people start taking the Delicate Detox™ they are able to start fixing more than just their digestive system.
- There are not many supplements on the market that compare to our Delicate Detox™. Not only are they unique, but they are also what I like to call medical grade (high potency and no fillers). This is important when taking a supplement, especially protease enzymes. It is meant to be taken on an empty stomach. I usually take 2 when I wake up and 2 before going to bed.
- Greens Anyone struggling with fatigue is definitely suffering from vitamin and mineral deficiencies. One of the easiest things you can do to counter that is take a pure vitamin and mineral supplement.
Our Greens supplement is called Gastro Greens™. These are also medical grade (high potency and no fillers). It contains green food that has been dried and pulverized and put into a capsule. We dose 3 per day; it doesn’t matter when you take them, all 3 at the same time or 1 with every meal.
- These are meant to take the place of a standard one-a-day multi-vitamin because your body wants to get vitamins and minerals from real food not synthetic capsules made in a lab.
- I also encourage you to get off gummy vitamins. They may taste good, but they are loaded with sugar / artificial sugar and are doing more damage to the body than good.
- Increase your daily dose of Gastro Greens™ each day if you are sick or hurt, it will speed up your recovery time.
- Green food is what builds the body, it’s what builds the blood. If you’re not eating a lot of green this is a great way to supplement it. And if you are eating green, this is a great way to get even more into the body every day. The vegetables we eat today are less nutritious than the vegetables our grandparents ate due to our soil being depleted. Anything you can do to get more vitamins and minerals in the body, the better.
- Increase your daily dose of Gastro Greens™ each day if you are sick or hurt, it will speed up your recovery time
Alkaline Water Remember how I stated above, “not all water is created equal”. Alkaline water is what I was referring to. If you are suffering from fatigue, drinking more water is important but drinking alkaline water can take your health to the next level. The “alkaline” in alkaline water refers to its pH level. A pH level is a number that measures how acidic or alkaline a substance is on an approximate scale of 0 to 14. For example, something with a pH of 1 would be very acidic, and something with a pH of 13 would be very alkaline. Regular drinking water generally has a neutral pH of 7. Alkaline water typically has a pH of 8 or 9.
- Just like a fish tank or a swimming pool, our body needs to maintain a certain pH to stay healthy. If we get really sick and are in the hospital, our pH is monitored because if it drops below a certain amount we can die. When we are healthy, we don’t pay much attention to our pH, but that doesn’t mean it’s not important. On the pH scale, our body is slightly alkaline, so anything you can do to drink and eat more alkaline makes it easier for your body to maintain its alkalinity and in turn work to keep you healthy.
- Your body is a healing vessel, it wants you to be well. Sometimes we just need to help it out a little. Drinking alkaline water is one simple thing you can do to help your body out. It’s especially helpful for people who need to detox the body because it allows more water to absorb into the cells.
Electrolytes Electrolytes are salts that are responsible for keeping the body properly hydrated so the muscles and nerves can function properly. The human body is composed mostly of salt water. Have you ever tasted your sweat or your tears? They are salty! Your body is a giant saltwater bag and all day long you are losing salt water, when you urinate, when you sweat or when you talk. If you do not replace this salt water your body becomes very dehydrated (again, a key symptom of fatigue).
- Our Electrolytes are called Super Salts™. They contain the four key electrolyte salts that are made up in the body allowing the body to replenish exactly what it is losing daily. Super Salts™ are meant to be put in water, not on food.
- Our Super Salts™ are different from other electrolyte powders or water additives on the market because they have zero preservatives, sugars, or artificial sugars. This is important because many of those additives can cause digestive issues in the body. When you take a supplement like this, the goal is to get well, not cause more issues – the cleaner the product you are consuming, the better.
- We suggest putting one scoop of salts (1 teaspoon) in every 26 – 32-ounce bottle of water you drink. If you cannot do this because it is too salty tasting, start by adding ¼ scoop of salts to 26 – 32 ounces of water and then increase from there once you get used to it. Ideally you want to be drinking about 2 – 3 scoops of salt per day.
Chop, Chop! Cookbook eating a cleaner diet is a huge step toward reversing fatigue. Many patients ask me what I eat on a day-to-day basis. Tina and I thought it would be helpful to create a cookbook sharing some of our favorite foods. It’s filled with over 70 Gut Recovery & Whole-Body Health Recipes including smoothies, snacks, dips, soups, salads, breakfast, lunch, dinner, and desserts. All healthy and all quickly prepared – we have 4 kids and don’t have time to be in the kitchen, so we try to make it as easy as possible to eat healthy.
- The book is available in English and Spanish
As a disclaimer, it’s important to say that if a patient’s GERD has progressed to Barrett’s Esophagus it is important to remain on a PPI for life. You must make sure at all costs acid does not continue to reflux into the esophagus damaging the tissue further. To slow down the long-term side effects of the PPI, I encourage those patients more than ever to follow the holistic regimen I’ve laid out above. If you’re going to be on a PPI for life, you need all the help you can get with digesting your food and nutrient absorption.
Act Now – 3 Options to Move in the Right Direction
Depending on your level of commitment and interest in turning around your fatigue, there are three options to consider:
- Good if you want to start slow and are not sure if this is for you, at least order our Delicate Detox™, Gastro Greens™,Super Salts™,and Chop, Chop! Cookbook. The investment is minimal and it’s not hard to incorporate these three supplements into your daily routine to see if they can help. I do encourage you to try this regimen for at least 3 months before you decide it’s not working for you. Doing something for only a few days or even a month is not going to make a huge difference in your body, especially if you’ve been struggling with fatigue for a long time.
- Better if you are ready to make a more serious commitment to turning around your fatigue and have some money to invest in yourself, consider ordering ourTired & Low Energy Starter Kit . It includes three months’ worth of our Delicate Detox™, Gastro Greens™, Super Salts™ and the Chop, 14 Chop! Cookbook, along with an Alkaline Water Pitcher so you can start benefiting from alkaline water right away. In addition, it also comes with the Cellular Level Food Sensitivity Test and the Micronutrient Test I explained above. By purchasing the kit, you get all these items at a discounted rate so it’s much better than buying them individually.
- Best – if you have money to invest in yourself, are suffering from other medical issues and you’re sick and tired of feeling sick and tired consider going all in on ourDigestive Revolution™ Ultimate Plan. This is my 4-Step Proprietary System which is an outcomes and scientific based system that starts at the cellular level. The system delivers 4 main outcomes:
- Eliminates digestive issues such as gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, and acid reflux.
- Removes pain and inflammation from the body.
- Reduces the need for prescription and over-the-counter medications.
- Increases energy, enhances sleep, and the ability to get to your healthy base weight.

No matter what you decide to do, do something! You get sick and remain sick by accident – you get healthy on purpose!
[1] National Sleep Foundation -
[2] Psychology Today -,for%20those%20with%20severe%20stress
[3] One Care Housing -,they%20reach%20their%20mid%2Dthirties.
[4] NIH - atigue,%E2%80%9354.2)%20in%20specific%20occupations.
[5] National Library of Medicine -
[6] Cleveland Clinic -
[7] Medical News Today -
[8] MS News Today -,%2C%20mental%2C%20and%20chronic%20il lness.
[9] NIH -,neur ological%20and%20chronic%20pain%20sequelae.
[10] Civic Science -,point%20increase%20from%202019%20 data.
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These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Liz Cruz, MD
- Award-winning, board-certified gastroenterologist
- Sought-after leader in solving complex digestive health conditions
- 30+ years of dedicated patient service
- Best-selling author, podcaster and international speaker
Dr. Liz Cruz was named Top Gastroenterologist in 2019. She is a Diplomat of the American Board of Internal Medicine and the American Board of Gastroenterology. Dr. Cruz is a member of the American Gastroenterological Association, American College of Gastroenterology, and the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. In 2014, she received the Quilly Award from the National Academy of Best-Selling Authors® for her Best-Selling Book “Answering the Call".