What are protease enzymes?
Proteolytic enzymes, also called protease, break down proteins in the body. If you read the Digestive Enzymes 101 Information Sheet, you know that protease is just one of many digestive enzymes that help break down the food we eat on a daily basis. However, protease enzymes go even further by helping to break down proteins throughout the whole body.
The formulation of protease enzymes found in the Delicate Detox is designed to work only in the blood (on the whole-body level) instead of just in the stomach. What good do protease enzymes do in the blood; you may ask? Well, just about everything that makes us sick is either a protein or is protected by a protein.
Why do proteins make us sick?
Bacteria, viruses, yeasts, and fungi are all protected by proteins. In addition, cancer cells are protected by proteins. Food allergens are also proteins. Many food allergies come from us not digesting our food well enough.
If we don’t have the proper digestive enzymes to break down our food on a daily basis and our food enters our small bowel partially digested, large protein molecules can get absorbed into the blood stream. This causes your immune system to kick-in and antibodies are formed with proteins to “protect” the body. Circulating Immune Complexes (CIC’s) are then formed. Basically, this means that your body has now created an immune response “tagged” to something that it shouldn’t.
When this happens over and over, the body “stores” these “tags” into its own tissue, because it is now overwhelmed with trying to eliminate them through urination and sweat. This is why the body attacks its own tissue at times, as seen in diseases like lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. Supplementing with a proteolytic enzyme can help break down CIC’s, so that they can be passed through urine or sweat easily
Why you should consider a protease enzyme supplement.
The blood not only carries oxygen and nutrients throughout the body, it’s also a way for cells and organs to dispose of their garbage and dead material. One way to cleanse the blood is taking a protease enzyme supplement, which is capable of breaking down things that would otherwise compromise the immune system.
In addition, these proteolytic enzymes can improve circulation by eating the excess fibrin. Fibrin is a strong protein responsible for the development of blood clots. Excess fibrin makes the blood thick, which is a dangerous situation
As a result of cleaning out the blood the following can occur; inflammation is reduced, blood flow is optimized, blood clots are prevented, allergies are minimized, arterial plaque is dissolved, headaches are minimized, and cardiovascular health is optimized. Which is why when people start taking the Delicate Detox they are able to start fixing more than just their digestive system.
To ensure that Dr. Liz Cruz and her family have optimal health, they take their Delicate Detox supplement every day. To order yours, either speak with a staff member, or order online at www.drlizcruz.com.